Email Invite Not Sent Through FluentSMTP? Causes and Solutions

Reliable delivery is crucial in the world of email marketing and communication. FluentSMTP, a popular WordPress plugin, is designed to streamline and manage your outgoing emails efficiently. However, like any other tool, it’s not immune to hiccups. One common issue that users face is the failure of email invites to be sent through FluentSMTP. If you’ve encountered this problem, you’re likely searching for reasons why this happens and, more importantly, how to fix it.

This detailed guide will explore why email invitations may not be sent via FluentSMTP and offer practical solutions to address these problems.

Understanding FluentSMTP: A Brief Overview

Before diving into the troubleshooting steps, it’s crucial to understand what FluentSMTP is and how it works. FluentSMTP is an SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) plugin designed for WordPress websites. It enables you to configure your website to send emails using your preferred SMTP service, ensuring that your emails reach recipients’ inboxes rather than being marked as spam. By handling the technical aspects of email delivery, FluentSMTP enhances your website’s communication capabilities, making sure your emails are sent reliably. Understanding how FluentSMTP integrates with various email service providers is critical to utilizing it effectively, as any misconfiguration can lead to email delivery issues. Whether you’re managing a small blog or a large e-commerce site, FluentSMTP provides the control and customization needed to meet your email delivery needs.

FluentSMTP supports a variety of email service providers, including Gmail, Outlook, Amazon SES, and more. It’s trendy among WordPress users because of its simplicity, flexibility, and control over email delivery. However, issues can arise that prevent email invites from being sent, leading to frustration and potential communication breakdowns. To effectively troubleshoot these issues, it’s essential to be familiar with how FluentSMTP interacts with different SMTP services and to understand the common pitfalls that may occur during configuration or usage. With the right approach, most issues can be quickly identified and resolved, ensuring smooth email delivery.

Common Causes of Email Invite Issues in FluentSMTP

Several factors could contribute to the problem of email invites needing to be sent through FluentSMTP. The first step in fixing the problem is determining its root cause. Below are some of the most common causes:

Incorrect SMTP Configuration

One of the primary reasons emails fail to send through FluentSMTP is incorrect SMTP configuration. This can happen due to:

  • Incorrect SMTP server settings: Each email service provider has specific SMTP server settings that must be correctly configured in FluentSMTP. Even a tiny error, such as a misspelled server name or an incorrect port number, can prevent emails from being sent.
  • Authentication errors: If your SMTP settings do not correctly authenticate with your email service provider, the emails will not be sent. This could happen if the authentication method has to be configured correctly or if the username or password needs to be changed.

Email Service Provider Limitations

Email service providers frequently limit The number of emails you can send in a day or an hour. You might be unable to send email invites if you review these restrictions. This can happen, particularly when sending bulk emails or if your email invite list is extensive.

Each email service provider has its own set of rules and limitations regarding email sending, which are in place to prevent spam and protect their infrastructure. For instance, services like Gmail and Outlook frequently have limits on the quantity of emails you can send in a given hour or day if you’re using a free or basic plan. Exceeding these limits can result in emails being delayed or blocked entirely. It’s essential to be aware of these restrictions and plan your email campaigns accordingly, especially when dealing with large recipient lists. Consider upgrading to a premium plan or using a dedicated email service to accommodate your needs if necessary.

Server Issues or Connectivity Problems

FluentSMTP relies on your server’s ability to connect to the SMTP server. If there are connectivity issues between your WordPress server and the SMTP server, emails will not be sent. This can occur due to:

  • Server downtime: Email cannot be processed and sent if your web server or the SMTP server is down.
  • Network issues: Problems with your server’s network connectivity can also cause disruptions in email delivery.

Spam Filters and Blocklisting

Spam filters are increasingly aggressive in filtering out unsolicited emails. If your email content, domain, or IP address triggers spam filters, your email invites might not be sent or could end up in the recipient’s spam folder. Additionally, if your domain or IP address has been blocked, your emails may be blocked entirely.

Although spam filters are meant to shield users from unsolicited and potentially dangerous emails, occasionally, they can be too careful and mark good emails as spam. If your emails contain specific keywords or excessive links or are sent from a domain with a poor reputation, they may be filtered out before reaching the recipient’s inbox. Being blocked can exacerbate this problem, as many email providers automatically block emails from blocked domains or IP addresses. To avoid these issues, follow best practices for email content, regularly check your domain’s reputation, and ensure your DNS records (SPF, DKIM, and DMARC) are correctly configured to authenticate your emails.

Plugin Conflicts or Updates

WordPress plugins are powerful but can sometimes conflict with each other. If you’ve recently installed a new plugin or updated an existing one, it might interfere with FluentSMTP’s functionality. Similarly, updates to FluentSMTP itself could introduce bugs that affect email delivery.

Plugin conflicts are common in WordPress, especially on websites with numerous plugins installed. These conflicts can occur when two plugins try to perform similar functions or when a new plugin update introduces changes that are incompatible with other plugins. If you notice that emails need to be sent after installing a new plugin or updating FluentSMTP, it’s essential to investigate whether these changes are causing the issue. Deactivating the new or updated plugins and testing email functionality can help identify the source of the conflict. If a conflict is found, you may need to seek alternative plugins or contact the plugin developers for support.

Insufficient Email Quota

Certain hosting companies impose a daily email send restriction.  If your website exceeds this quota, FluentSMTP cannot send more emails until the quota is reset.

Email quotas are common on shared hosting plans, where resources are limited and must be distributed among multiple users. These restrictions are in place to make sure that no single user uses more resources than necessary, as this could have a detrimental effect on the functionality of other websites that use the same server. If you exceed your email quota, FluentSMTP cannot send additional emails until the quota resets, usually at the beginning of a new day. Monitoring your email usage and planning your campaigns is essential to avoid this issue. If you frequently reach your email limit, consider upgrading your hosting plan or using a third-party SMTP service with higher email-sending capabilities.

DNS Configuration Issues

Domain Name System (DNS) settings are critical in email delivery. Incorrect DNS settings can lead to email delivery issues, particularly for SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records. These records ensure that your emails are recognized as legitimately originating from your domain. If the settings are incorrect, it could lead to your emails being rejected or flagged as spam.

DNS settings are essential for authenticating your emails and ensuring they are trusted by receiving email servers. SPF (Sender Policy Framework) records define the servers permitted to send emails using your domain. Meanwhile, DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) attaches a digital signature to your emails, ensuring their integrity and confirming they haven’t been altered. DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance) helps align SPF and DKIM to provide further protection against email spoofing. If these DNS records are misconfigured or missing, your emails may be rejected or treated as spam. Reviewing and updating your DNS settings helps maintain your domain’s email deliverability.

Solutions to Fix Email Invite Issues in FluentSMTP

Now that we’ve identified the potential causes let’s explore the solutions to fix email invite issues in FluentSMTP.

Verify SMTP Configuration

The first step is to ensure that your SMTP settings are correctly configured. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Check SMTP server settings: Your email service provider typically provides this information. Double-check that you’ve entered the correct SMTP server address, port number, and encryption type (SSL/TLS).
  2. Re-enter authentication details: Ensure that the username and password for your email account are correct. If you’re using OAuth for authentication, verify that the OAuth token is valid.
  3. Test the connection: FluentSMTP provides a test email feature that you can use to check if your configuration is working correctly. Send a test email to see if it’s delivered successfully.

Monitor Email Sending Limits

To avoid hitting your email service provider’s sending limits:

  1. Review your sending limits: Check the documentation for your email service provider to understand the daily and hourly sending limits. Ensure that your email invite campaigns are within these limits.
  2. Use a dedicated email service: If you frequently send large volumes of emails, consider using a dedicated email service like Amazon SES, SendGrid, or Mailgun. These services offer higher sending limits and better email delivery rates.

Check Server Connectivity

If you suspect server connectivity issues:

  1. Check server status: Verify that your web and SMTP servers are running. Use tools like “Ping” or “Traceroute” to diagnose network issues between your server and the SMTP server.
  2. Consult your hosting provider: If you encounter ongoing connectivity problems, contact your hosting provider for assistance. They can check for server-level issues that might be affecting email delivery.

Avoid Spam Triggers

To stop emails from being categorized as spam:

  1. Optimize email content: Avoid using spammy language or excessive use of links and images in your email content. Make sure your subject lines are clear and relevant.
  2. Check your domain’s reputation: Use tools like MXToolbox or SenderScore to check if your domain or IP address is blocked. If you find any issues, follow the steps provided by these tools to resolve them.
  3. Set up proper DNS records: Ensure your SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records are correctly configured. These records help authenticate your emails and improve deliverability.

Resolve Plugin Conflicts

If you suspect a plugin conflict:

  1. Deactivate conflicting plugins: Temporarily deactivate other plugins to see if the email issue is resolved. Reactivate them one by one to identify the conflicting plugins.
  2. Update or rollback FluentSMTP: If the issue started after a FluentSMTP update, check for any available patches or consider rolling back to a previous version.

Increase Email Quota

If you’re hitting your email quota:

  1. Contact your hosting provider: Ask your hosting provider if they can increase your email sending limits.
  2. Use a third-party SMTP service: If your hosting provider’s limits are too restrictive, consider using a third-party SMTP service that offers higher quotas. 

Correct DNS Settings

To fix DNS configuration issues:

  1. Review your DNS records: Verify that your domain’s SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records are configured appropriately. These records should align with your email service provider’s guidelines.
  2. Use DNS management tools: Tools like DNSStuff or Google’s Dig tool can help verify that your DNS records are correctly configured and propagated.

Here’s a table summarizing the causes and solutions for the issue of email invites not being sent through FluentSMTP:

Cause Description Solution
Incorrect SMTP Configuration Errors in SMTP server settings or authentication details prevent email delivery. Verify SMTP settings: Double-check the server address, port, encryption type, and authentication details. Then, test the connection using FluentSMTP’s test email feature.
Email Service Provider Limitations You are exceeding the daily or hourly email-sending limits imposed by your provider. Monitor sending limits: Review your provider’s limits and plan campaigns accordingly. For higher-volume needs, use a dedicated email service.
Server Issues or Connectivity Problems Downtime or network issues between the web server and SMTP server disrupt email sending. Check server status: Use tools like “Ping” or “Traceroute” to diagnose issues. If problems persist, consult your hosting provider.
Spam Filters and Blocklisting Emails flagged as spam or blocked due to triggering spam filters or being blocked. To avoid spam triggers, Optimize email content, check domain reputation, and ensure SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records are correctly configured.
Plugin Conflicts or Updates Conflicts between FluentSMTP and other WordPress plugins or bugs introduced by updates. Resolve conflicts: Deactivate conflicting plugins and test. Update or roll back FluentSMTP if issues begin after an update.
Insufficient Email Quota You are reaching the email sending limit set by your hosting provider. Increase quota: Contact your hosting provider for a higher email limit or use a third-party SMTP service with higher quotas.
DNS Configuration Issues Misconfigured SPF, DKIM, or DMARC records, causing email delivery problems. Correct DNS settings: Review and update DNS records to align with your provider’s guidelines. Use DNS management tools to verify configurations.

This table provides a quick reference for troubleshooting and resolving the most common causes of email invite issues in FluentSMTP.

Key Takeaways:

  • SMTP Configuration: Correct SMTP settings are crucial for successful email delivery through FluentSMTP: Double-check server addresses, ports, and authentication details.
  • Email Sending Limits: Be aware of your email service provider’s sending limits. Exceeding these can block or delay emails.
  • Server Connectivity: Ensure stable connectivity between your web server and SMTP server to avoid email delivery disruptions.
  • Spam Filters: Avoid spam triggers by optimizing email content and ensuring proper DNS configurations, such as SPF, DKIM, and DMARC.
  • Plugin Conflicts: Be cautious of conflicts between FluentSMTP and other WordPress plugins, especially after updates.
  • DNS Configuration: Accurate DNS settings are vital for email authentication and preventing delivery issues.


Why are my email invites not sent through FluentSMTP?

Common reasons include incorrect SMTP configuration, exceeding email limits, server connectivity issues, and plugin conflicts.

How can I keep my emails from getting flagged as spam?

Optimize email content, avoid spammy language, and ensure your DNS records (SPF, DKIM, DMARC) are correctly configured.

What should I do if FluentSMTP stops working after a plugin update?

Deactivate recent plugins to identify conflicts or consider rolling back the update to restore functionality.


  • FluentSMTP Documentation: Official Documentation
  • Email Service Provider Guidelines: Check your provider’s site for SMTP settings and sending limits.
  • MXToolbox: For checking domain reputation and DNS configuration – MXToolbox
  • WordPress Plugin Conflict Troubleshooting: WordPress Support


Ensuring that your email invites are sent reliably through FluentSMTP is crucial for maintaining communication with your audience. Understanding the common causes of email delivery issues and applying the appropriate solutions can resolve these problems and improve your email deliverability.

Remember to regularly monitor your SMTP configuration, stay within your email sending limits, and keep your WordPress plugins and DNS settings in check. By following these procedures, you’ll be more prepared to deal with email invite problems and guarantee that your communications are delivered without incident to the people you meant.

In summary, troubleshooting email invite issues in FluentSMTP involves a systematic approach: verifying your SMTP settings, monitoring email limits, addressing server connectivity, and ensuring that your domain isn’t triggering spam filters. You can keep your audience interested and your email conversations running smoothly again by adhering to the recommendations provided in this tutorial.

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